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living divergently, neurologically and otherwise

Welcome to FantasTICally Me, a blog about my life with Tourette Syndrome & Functional Neurological Disorder. Documented here are the ups, downs, struggles, and triumphs of my journey. I hope that through this project others with (or without) TS might learn, find practical support, or just feel that they can relate to someone like them. Read on, and keep being fantastically you!


When your heart aches, be honest

The holidays are coming up, and with them all of the inevitable questions. “What are you up to these days?” “What are your plans?” “How...

Recovery comes in waves

I’m turning 24 in seven days, and I’m so grateful that a year has gone by. I’m not sure if this sounds odd or not… It’s a comfort to me...

Mental health awareness and why it matters: my story

I've been thinking a lot lately about mental health, and what it means to be mental health aware. It’s a really difficult subject to talk...

Rebuilding confidence after loss: current life lessons

Life update: I have no idea what I’m doing. Not that that comes as any surprise...I’m human, after all. But real talk - I really did just...

Neuro Rehab: My Physical Therapy Plan

Over the past several months, I’ve been recovering from Functional Neurological Disorder. A large part of that has consisted of Physical...

Medical Cannabis - an honest patient review

I grew up being opposed for the most part to cannabis use. There are a few reasons for this. The simplest and most obvious is the early...

Stop - is your activism actually hurting?

It’s day 1 of Tourette Syndrome Awareness Month, and I’m loving the new enthusiasm for advocacy and awareness that people are showing up...

Toxic Suppression: I'm not ticcing, and I'm not okay

With Tourette Syndrome, there is often a perception that the fewer tics you have, the better you must be doing. This is not always true....

The 4:1 ratio and its missing women

Tourette Syndrome supposedly is four times more likely to affect males than females. Yet, support groups are full of women. Why? The...

Overloaded: a look at Sensory Processing Disorder

Sensory Processing Disorder, or SPD, is common amongst people with neurodevelopmental disorders. Yet because it is so difficult to see...

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